It is hard to believe that this precious little darling of a pony was at an auction populated by kill buyers and hours away from the unimaginable…she had been brutalized with blood dripping from her mouth, trembling with fear and pain when she was rescued. She had the gift of three years in a loving home prior to devastating financial circumstances that required the heartbreak of rehoming her. Pixie has landed at Red Bucket with great success. She has completed her first 45 days of under saddle training effortlessly. Head Trainer Kimberly Fohrman reports that Pixie has been so intelligent about her training that she never bucked….never responded in any way other than a willingness to learn and to please. Kimberly has been focusing on the basics, and in addition to the beginning of a solid foundation, Pixie is executing smooth transitions, leg yields, and simple changes. This week Kimberly transitioned Pixie to an English saddle, and with the support of our friends at Kennedy-Pedigo Farms even schooled Pixie over her first small jumps. Pixie responded to the new job in “true Pixie style” with an eagerness to learn…and zero drama. We might add that she is a true natural and just darling over the fences! In an effort to be complete in reporting on Pixie’s progress, we should also comment on her exemplary ground manners, deep love of anything sweet, and her favorite pastime of turn outs with her BFF (and fellow paint) Marigold.
Pixie Update