Every Red Bucket horse ( and donkey ) has a name, a bucket and a goal. The goal allows us to customize their program, just for them…it also allows us to ensure the progression of their development. Friday our formerly very abused baby donkey hit his first goal…he heehawed when Kimberly approached him for his wellness check and grooming. He actually whispered it, the heehaw that is. If you weren’t listening, you would have missed it…but we were listening. Riot is going to take time to trust us, we understand this…and we are willing to give him as much time, love and patience that he needs. Somewhere under that very sad little donkey exterior lives a sweet tooth, thou…and in our efforts to exploit any opportunity to enrich Riot’s life we are all over it! Donkey’s can founder easily, so we have to watch out for sugary treats. We are lucky to have an abundance of delicious Giddyap Girls Cookies, which not only have no added sugar, but can be broken down into 3 smaller pieces…perfect for rewarding and encouraging our little friend. Riot has also made friends with Pixie (with her own well defined sweet tooth) so we have a little buddy for him to pal around with. Soon we know, his heehaws wont be whispers, and he will be rooting through our pockets looking for treats,and rubbing up against us looking for scratches and gentle pats…we can’t wait!
Riot reaches his first goal…