Scarlett’s Story

Perhaps the story is best saved for Mother’s Day….but from the very beginning, Scarlett showed herself to be a remarkable mother. We can’t begin to imagine the fear and panic that she experienced, or her heroics in willing herself not to drop her foal until she knew that it would be safe. Although she would not allow us to ever touch her, she did not overtly interfere with our handling of Cupid, administering his medication, or checking his legs. Perhaps a less wise mother would have created a fuss…a fuss that would have frightened a baby, who already had endured so much stress, even before he was born. She showed herself to be brave, stoic and incredibly intelligent. She was quick to put her baby in his place, calling him for straying too far…scolding him for naughty behavior, and he proved to be a very naughty little colt! His naughtiness and desire to show off his new tricks earned him the nick name ” Batman “, a name that has stuck…and somehow seems far more fitting and appropriate! These days, Scarlett spends her days in pasture, nibbling green grass, enjoying regular feedings of fresh hay and socializing with other horse friends. We will begin her handling in the spring, as she too deserves the gift of “forever”.