This Horse is Polo…

For those of us who have been here since the beginning, his face will most likely represent the value of our work in the end. So often lately, we have used the term “baggage free”, there must be some lesson that we can learn from the horse…their resilience, their desire to be a part of us…their willingness to forgive, and strangely not to hold a grudge. His vet at the time described him as “abused every day of his twenty years” and “…..”If ever a horse needs to be rescued it is this horse”. This horse….this horse is Polo. He came to us with brutal evidence of his abuse, which was much greater and much more graphic than just his gaunt and painful body. Polo embraced his new life with such a gratitude and desire to give himself to us, that we cannot type these words without our tears clouding our vision. His scars while serve as reminders to us of his past…go apparently unnoticed and ignored, Polo lives every day in the present, grateful for his roomy paddock, deep bedding and fresh hay (and of course his red bucket). Today on his 21st birthday and anniversary of his adoption, he glows with health and happiness. For Polo his life is about today. The promise that comes with the second chance of a forever home, is a promise of today, and the days that follow. The promise of Red Bucket is that many other horses will have a second chance, and when my fingers no longer type the words that you read, that someone else’s will…….