We have all been enchanted with her from the beginning. Early on, immediately in fact , Spice, Hobby and our beloved Haze claimed her as their very own. Since her miraculous entrance, we can’t seem to get enough of her…neighbors stop to snap photo’s with their smart phones wanting to capture her precious innocence and bring the image back to share with their families. Our horses, stand and stare at her during their enrichment time during turn out, their heads either hanging over the round pen walls….or frozen for long periods gazing at her from the corner of the paddock rather than nibbling hay (or even odder, having Dublin nibble them). It is the only time in the day when the marathon clip of Kimberly’s stride slows down and a gleeful greeting escapes her otherwise task focused pursed lips…..”Winni…..”. Even our new (somewhat immature and bounding) ranch dog, JoJo seems to be caught up in the magic of Nalah’s miracle. The very first thing in the morning, he races to great her, almost as if to make sure that his foal is safe, they touch noses…as is he is assuring her that yet another set of eyes is vigilant in protecting her wondrous life. He drops as if guarding his self appointed little charge until we call him inside (always a bit reluctantly) for his breakfast. This small little bit of fuzzy perfection, Nalah’s baby….who risked a fate that we only dare whisper about. Her mother once so degraded and brutalized , and she are now such a treasured and cherished part of our community, our family. Loved and protected, Winni’s gift is far greater than the gift of forever, her gift is that she never knew…will never know where she really came from…only where she belongs.
Winni and JoJo