Looking at him today, it is pretty darned hard to believe that Wyatt had been a stray…unwanted, abandoned and betrayed by the very person who was suppose to protect him and keep him safe. He had been picked up by Animal Control, wandering the streets…. hurt, hungry, and very much alone. Like many horses in that very unfortunate situation, when his 14 days were up…so was his luck. Fortunately for Wyatt, his darling personality captured the attention an Animal Control Officer who couldn’t stand the thought of such a sweet heart being put down, and reached out to Red Bucket, and asked if we could make room for him. He delighted us from the moment we loaded him onto the trailer, and then seemed to make it his mission to completely endear himself to us daily. He greeted us with an enthusiastic whinny whenever he heard the crunch of our boots, he eagerly “assisted” us in grooming him by picking up the tote with his teeth, and he immediately befriended anyone who ventured over to visit him. Under saddle, he has continued to impress us, demonstrating that he has a great work ethic, manners, the versatility to be ridden either English or Western, and comfortable gaits! Did we mention that he is SUPER cute? Unwanted horse? We don’t think so, Wyatt is a partner, best friend in waiting, and very very ready for his forever home!
Wyatt Update