February 2017 Adoption Celebration: Dixon

and a real home for this regal, elegant, and perfect equine gentleman. Maybe his first career was not all that successful, but his new career has endless possibilities…including that new activity of body surfing, apparently!  …

July 2016 Culture Message

…to be extra safe, he sported a pair of bell boots. His new leather halter complete with a shiny brass nameplate was buckled over the gate picking up the rays from the sun, the lead rope draped through the throat latch. The still of the mid morning was broken abruptly by complete chaos. I do not speak Spanish…and while I add that to my regret list, I did not need a translator to recognize both shock and complete panic. The paddock was empty, the ha…

June 2013 Adoption Celebration: Banjo

…cribes it, their “playful stubbornness.” She immediately committed to sponsor Banjo for one year.   Several months went by and the loving, gentle hands of Red Bucket worked their magic, helping Banjo regain his trust in humans. He no longer recoiled from human touch, but nickered happily while accepting treats. His training on trail was successfully completed and he was ready to adopt. That was all Cristen needed to hear! Now under Cristen’s lovin…

Cindy Lee, Ranger and Lola Update

…e is glorious! (Pictured L-R orphaned Cindy Lee, now 10 months old, 7 week old Ranger and his mom, Lola). http://www.wagsandmenace.org/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wags-and-Menace-Make-a-Difference-Program-Foundation/165141613523082?ref=br_tf…

ASPCA’s 150th Birthday!

…d…wish the ASPCA a Happy Birthday and congratulations for 150 years of groundbreaking and life saving work! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTtac7Xwbmo…

Happy Mother’s Day Darla

…will make Darla’s first Mothers Day the very best day a mother could have. Check out the video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wxtv0wZanpI…

August 2013 Volunteer Highlight: Angela Kinsman

common core value for service, a “can do” attitude that is completely ego-free and selflessly dedicated to our mission and our horses. Angela came to the Ranch with this quality, and Red Bucket has provided her with the tools necessary to develop her equine skills which in turn has made her an invaluable member of our team.   When asked how and why she chose to volunteer for Red Bucket, Angela responds without hesitation. “I have always loved hors…