People make promises all of the time…” I promise to be home on time “, ” I promise, I will do it tomorrow “, promises are easy to make , take lightly and ….easy to break. We met Riot last week and promised to go back and pick him up. At first, it sounded from his description that he was feral, a little wild, hard to catch…hard to handle. First impressions were way off base…he is absolutely petrified…out of his little donkey brain terrified of being beaten. We could see the signs right away, and this post would be incomplete, if we didn’t add that it left a lump in our throat the size of our newly inflated trailer tire. He was hard to catch and down right difficult to load…he was never aggressive, never mean…never even a little unpleasant. When we approached, he hunched his back an trembled violently, shaking in fear of being some how horrifically abused. We got him safely home to a new paddock constructed especially for him. We gave him some minor first aid, gentle grooming, dinner, fresh water, gentle scratches and tender pats. We didn’t have a fly mask small enough, but Harlow gave him hers until we order him his very own. We bunked him with Hot Wheels, our resident donkey expert. We tucked him in for the night…and made a promise that we have every intention of keeping….This little darling will be lovingly cared for, treasured and one day adopted into a forever home of his own. He will learn to count on a full belly, tenderness, and trust. We promise!
Red Bucket Equine Rescue # 118- Riot