For the last few days we have been choking back the lumps in our throats, politely nodding silently as people express their condolences over us losing our treasured little buddy, Hot Wheels. A few people told us ” things happen for a reason ” , well intentioned words that we aren’t buying. There is undeniable irony though, which is not lost on us. Monday we brought home two new friends in desperate need of rescue. We introduced you to Riot on Monday with the intention of unveiling our new little appy pony Lulu Tuesday. Lulu was intended to bunk with Riot, however best laid plans went up in a big cloud of dust…Lulu very clearly had ideas of her own, and rooming with a little donkey was NOT even a remote possibility. We transferred Hot Wheels, our little donkey expert over to bunk with Riot and introduced Lulu to Sawyer. Sawyer and our new little pony became friends….gratefully, Sawyer now separated from Hot Wheels and distracted by caring for a newcomer, was spared the distress of losing her best friend first hand. Sawyer is intelligent, empathetic and perhaps the most intuitive horse that we have ever met. We know that she is deeply grieving the loss of her friend….we are giving her time and space. What is so touching, is that on some level….she clearly gets it. She knows that we all still have jobs to do…the self appointed care giver, reminded us that Sawyer’s job is to take care of other horses, and she is.
Red Bucket Equine Rescue # 119-Lulu