The story has become all too familiar….an innocent horse, a victim of horrific circumstances is abandoned, tied to a fence. In this case, it was a little paint mare named Holly…and we are so grateful that our friends at Long Beach Animal Control found her in time. She was without water, food, shelter or comfort…she had nothing other than a halter so pain fully tight that it dented her nose, permanently we think. There had been a rope, too, just long enough to tie her to the fence and prevent her from even the basic ability to defend herself from the flies that attacked her in the glaring and unrelenting sun. While she is safe, it is very clear that the Holly has been traumatized. We have learned to listen to our horses with our eyes and open hearts, they will always find a way to talk to us, this little gaited horse who has brown and white spots and a dent in her nose, is telling us that she has been hurt and that she is afraid. We will do our best to make the next chapter of her life happy, safe and full of love. Welcome Holly!