Her Mother had been unwanted…and died unwanted, leaving 3 month old Sable very alone, and while she too, like thousands of other horses was technically “unwanted ” , Sable had the gift of being loved by someone who cared enough to touch her…often and gently. Sable was cared for and loved, and while human nurturing is not an adequate replacement for the love…and lessons that a mother teaches her foal, we consider Sable to be a lucky girl. Today, untrained and three years old, we are fast tracking her, and providing the manners and boundaries that her mother did not have the time to impart. While tragically, Sable’s mother died a sad statistic, we will make sure that Sable receives the gift of training, a second chance….and her happily ever after, she is wanted. Welcome Baby Sable.
Red Bucket Equine Rescue # 138 Sable