Our neighbor cried when she saw her, she said that she has never seen anything like it….we have. It is hard to imagine, a five year old adult horse barely weighing in at 700 pounds. Her feet were necrotic, her coat coarse, her skin paper thin with the underlying texture of chicken wings, her eyes vacant and hollow. She had been sent to another ranch, before coming to us…they didn’t want her…didn’t want to feed her, and didn’t want the burden of caring for her. This rejection made us welcome her all the more. We have named her Pretzel, and fully embrace care taking her, nurturing her and feeding both her body and soul. She is bunking with Paisley, beginning to anticipate regular and frequent feedings. Today she nickered for her bucket….one day she will nicker for the person who will take her home. Welcome precious Pretzel, we are grateful for the opportunity to care for you.
Red Bucket Equine Rescue #139- Pretzel