Red Bucket Equine Rescue #145- Wyatt

There are many things that we know: Wyatt is gentle…he is kind…he is adorable, precious beyond description. Perhaps most amazing of all, most heartbreaking…he is forgiving. We also know how he got the wicked, painful, and infected rope burns on his back pasterns. What we don’t know is how long they had him, or how in the heck he survived the world of such unbelievable torture and abuse, and managed not only survive, but to remain baggage free. We find ourselves both admiring him…and ferociously protective. We know that this teddy bear of a horse, in spite of everything else (so much of it that we don’t know) has maintained the temperament and loyalty of a chocolate lab. We also know…that he WILL get the forever home that he deserves, we will see to it. Welcome Wyatt!