Red Bucket Equine Rescue #157-Nalah

Sometimes the emotion is so suffocating, when we try to stuff it, we leak. Our eyes were so blurred when we pulled the trailer down the narrow road. The horse, our 157th rescue, had been repeatedly abused, she did not make eye contact and walked with the resignation of one falsely convicted. She did load easily, and yet was completely numb and indifferent to our gentle touch and kind words of encouragement and praise. When we received the distressed call from a friend, we acted swiftly. She was in danger, she had suffered repeated abuse, and she was very very pregnant. While her barrel was large and stretched tight, we could easily feel the definition of every rib under her coarse coat. She is now safe at Red Bucket, a ranch that she along with our other horses own. She has been vaccinated, reassured, and we are trying to make up for the months of no prenatal care. She doesn’t trust us yet, but we know that she will. We will consistently and lovingly care for her, tenderly demonstrate our commitment to her safety and well being, and soon….we will catch her foal. We have named her Nalah, and have made her a promise: she will never suffer again, she will be fed and well cared for, she will have dignity. Her baby will know only safety, love and will have a future, and a forever home…we promise.