Red Bucket Equine Rescue #177- Tasha

She is a baby, just somewhere between 9 and 10 months. She is stunning, a pretty little black filly with an elegant stride and a delicate face. Basically she is flawless, innocent, beautiful, and sweet. And UNWANTED. One of the many unwanted horses who are shipped to slaughter every week, 110,000 thousand horses a year. Fortunately for little Tasha, we want her and our supporters want to see her safe, trained, and placed in a loving home. Not to over use a cliche, but it is true, today is the first day of the rest of her life…and she will have one. Today Tasha, her mother Mercy, our little loan filly Cindy Lee (who wont be lonely ever again) and one other mare and tiny foal will be safely moved to Quarantine where they will have a transition to a new life…WANTED. Our deepest and heartfelt gratitude to The Wags and Menace Make A Difference Foundation, the extraordinary generosity of the Durham family, and all of you who open your hearts and wallets to our meaningful work…thank you all for making a difference.