Red Bucket Equine Rescue #189- Deaglan

He just wants to be groomed and scratched. Already he has figured out the red bucket (and both the nourishment and nurturing that it represents)…….he politely whinnies when we walk by him, seems to be very relieved to be with us, a bit surprised and very grateful. He has European manners, the conformation of an athlete, and the kindness of a benevolent gentleman. Surprising really, when you consider that just a few weeks ago he was dropped off at an auction known for selling horses by the pound…by his owner of 7 years. Fortunately, we have a friend and rescue colleague who notified us immediately, allowing us to circumvent the nightmare that awaited this very elegant 20 year old Hanoverian gelding. We have had his feet done (thank you Jesse Coker), he has been vaccinated, and today his teeth will be floated. He seems to have thoroughly enjoyed his spa day….a bit of a mane pulling (with a humane solo comb, of course), a whisker trim, and a “detailing” that involved both elbow grease and a good deal of product. He will continue to settle in and relax, and next week will have a complete physical exam, prior to any work…or expectation. Certainly it goes without the need for great elaboration, the level of great offense and outrage that we feel about the shameful treatment and betrayal that he has suffered. We have named him Deaglan, and while there is much about him that we do not know, what remains most important, is that he is now safe. Welcome, Deaglan.