All of Nina’s dreams came true when her knight in shining armor emerged from the back of the Red Bucket Trailer Saturday morning. We aren’t sure who was pinching themselves more…..Nina or Shields. Nina was the one with tears in her eyes…we wiped ours away quickly and went back to work ( we have had 9 intakes in less than 24 hours). We hope that our other horses will have a magical connection like Shields has had….our recently slaughter bound love bug of a horse, this little pleaser who loves people, craves to be touched, and delights in soft words and a well placed scratch has found someone to love back. We continue to marvel in the resilience of such a remarkable horse, who can survive the most outrageous betrayal of having been sent to slaughter by someone he loved, to so quickly forgive and fall in love again. Horses truly are amazing…and so are Nina and Shields. Congratulations to them both!
Red Bucket Equine Rescue # 51- Shields