Red Bucket Equine Rescue Proudly Presents: Greer and Grammer

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We continue to be puzzled and heartbroken by the tremendous number of innocent, beautiful and amazing equines that find themselves tragic victims of the slaughter industry. Our two beautifully matched mules…full brother and sister…were fortunate to be rescued directly from the imminent shipment to a Mexican Slaughter Plant. Greer and Grammer (lovingly named after our beautiful and talented friend and star of “Emma’s Chance”, Greer Grammer) have settled into their new life at Red Bucket. While they appear to be pinching themselves at their newly found good fortune, we know that the dream will come true when Greer and Grammer transition into their loving forever home! In the meantime, we fully expect that we will continue to be enchanted by their charming, comical and affectionate personalities!

We would also like to thank the Ark Watch Foundation for rescuing these precious animals from the kill pen and sending them to Red Bucket for their second chance.