That’s a Wrap!

The filming of Emma’s Chance has wrapped, and we are missing all of the new friends that we met. Slowly we are returning to a new “normal” and getting our horses back into their routines. Anchor Man has seemingly enjoyed his “stay-cation” and is back to work. He threw a shoe on the first day of filming and sadly missed … Read More

August 2015 Horse Highlight: Anchor Man

  The Anchor Man in any relay race is depended upon to run the victory lap…our gorgeous boy~ aptly named~ has proven he can win the race of hope and perseverance…bringing glory to himself and the entire team! When seeing Anchor Man in person, one is awed by his extraordinarily majestic presence. A proud and gorgeous dapple-gray gelding, he stands … Read More

Welcome Shona Barnthouse

Red Bucket Equine Rescue Welcomes Shona Barnthouse and Extends Gratitude To The ASPCA! The new year is off to a full start! Red Bucket proudly welcomes our new trainer Shona Barnthouse. The addition of Shona to the Red Bucket Training Team will afford us the opportunity to assess, train and prepare even more horses for adoption. While Shona has a … Read More

Anchor Man’s back to school

Many people ask us about what kinds of horses we have at Red Bucket…what kinds of horses reside in rescues. The answer, of course, is multifaceted; at Red Bucket we run the gamete, from donkeys to drafts. We certainly have our share of the discarded and unwanted. Some of these horses served a master, or multiple masters, and now in … Read More