April 2016 Adoption Celebration: Timmy

No such thing as “perfect”? Oh yes, there is! It’s the “match made in heaven” between Timmy the Arabian gelding and his new owner Susanna. At the risk of sounding corny, the two “complete” each other! Timmy’s life at the Ranch started after Kristine, a fellow rescuer and friend of Susan Peirce, responded to an ad on Craigslist where he … Read More

Red Bucket Equine Rescue# 176- Timmy

He had been advertised on Craig’s List as “Will trade for $200 worth of hay.” They had run out…and so had he…he was starving. Our rescue colleague and friend, Kristine, quickly paid the $200 and rescued the emaciated gelding. She brought him to Red Bucket in order for him to find his second chance, which he did….and he found also … Read More