He is her first true love…she is his everything. The love story started with a long distance romance, and it continues thousands of miles away in Maryland. While Grande has settled into his new life as a treasured friend to Brianna, he ha…s also made it pretty clear that at twenty years young he has a full life yet to lead, and a special young lady to share it with. He is teaching her to become a real horsewoman, a stronger person, and the art of dressage. She is teaching him that he can count on a human and that he is loved unconditionally and without expectation. Together they are forging a relationship that is perhaps only possible when there has been such betrayal and adversity. Brianna replenishes Grande’s lost years of loneliness and rejection with a new sense of purpose. Grande in return is teaching Brianna a whole new definition of self confidence that has many layers, but is only truly understood by the two of them. Brianna and Grande’s trainer Tom, is also benefitting from the relationship, and everyone (except one Red Riding Hood) has been amazed and surprised that this spectacular Oldenburg isn’t so old after all. He is in peek form, training five days a week, easily outperforming the expectations of a much younger horse. He has an appetite for work, and an opinion about almost everything, and a buddy who is both amused and delighted by his GRANDE of a personality. He also has a home this holiday season, which is remarkable given that he was previously cast off, disregarded…and unwanted. Today, three hundred and fifty pounds later and with renewed sense of purpose, Grande has his very own family and the promise of a many more happy holidays to come.
Grande is Home for the Holidays