As irony would have it, today is Denny’s 23rd Birthday. We are home after our big emotional and wonderful trip…and, our precious boy Denny is home too…forever. Jenny took this Birthday picture of Denny with his Red Bucket filled with Root Beer Barrels, and 23 apples. For those of us who are parents, our children never know that their Birthdays are just as special (more) for us as they are for them, as they represent the miraculous day that we were blessed with that which we love the most. Today on Denny’s Birthday, and on the heels of the the true blessing of his rescue and return to “his girl of a lifetime” we would like to extend profound gratitude to our Red Bucket Team of selfless volunteers, generous donors, and to all those who support our lifesaving work. This miracle was only possible because of you and on behalf of Denny, and the many other horses who await their very own little girl…or special someone who will love them forever…thank you! Happy Birthday Dear Denny, and many many more
Denny Part 3- Happy 23rd Birthday!