Finbar in May of 2009 weighed barely 800 pounds.

Four days after Finbar was adopted, he fell in the bull pen…it appeared to be serious, he was completely non weight bearing, the emergency vet thought that it might be a fracture. The vet noting Finbar’s moms Red Bucket hoodie asked if he… was a Red Bucket horse, his mom replied “He belongs to me”. That moment seemed to define for her what “forever” really means. It means FOREVER. While she had adopted him as her Hunter prospect, it is not a condition of his home or his future. Today, nearly 400 pounds later, he glows with health and happiness. He is jumping, and seems to enjoy it, he watches for her car, whinny’s when he hears her voice, and in turn out gallops to her when she calls his name. After over a year of lay up, he is sound, becoming responsive under saddle, and in a what appears to be a combination of enjoyment, and a desire to please her he is jumping gymnastics, lines, and recently his first solid oxer. While this all is wonderfully satisfying for his mom, there is no condition or expectation that he meet any standard, other than to be a happy (and relatively well behaved) horse. Today marks Finbar’s third year adoption anniversary, and while the words “he belongs to me” are still spoken with a deep appreciation and gratitude to have him, and March 21st will be always celebrated as a very special day, the reality is …that forever means “no matter what” . Happy Anniversary Finbar!