Winni and JoJo

…n, Nalah’s baby….who risked a fate that we only dare whisper about. Her mother once so degraded and brutalized , and she are now such a treasured and cherished part of our community, our family. Loved and protected, Winni’s gift is far greater than the gift of forever, her gift is that she never knew…will never know where she really came from…only where she belongs….

January 2018 Horse Highlight: Sporty

…arted and ready for a home where he will be loved and adored to pieces!” Sporty will make a perfect family horse. He enjoys feeling ‘special’ and having an important job to accomplish. He gets along well with other horses and requires very little maintenance. Sporty is a complete gentleman while being groomed according to Jenon. “His gentle disposition and eagerness to please is most charming and he has become a favorite to many of the Red Bucket…

October 2014 Culture Message

…ully placed with other groups, and a large number went immediately into sanctuary. Without even being able to touch our new horses, we fully embraced and loved them, nurturing them without the ability to use our hands. And in addition to giving them their own red bucket and a name…Marlee, Darla and Darcy…we also made a promise to them and their unborn foals. While we were unable to touch the mares, we were permitted with amazingly minimal supervis…

October 2014 Adoption Highlight: Thunder Pants and Bruce

…less than an average horse. Convinced, Louise was able to welcome the two into her home as new members of the family. With a welcomed change of fortune from when Red Bucket had first rescued the two, Bruce and Thunder Pants found a forever home with Louise, who loves them. She even had a paddock custom built for two, with a water trough made to fit a mini horse. A bit reminiscent of a bachelor pad, Thunder Pants (who was gelded prior to adoption)…

September 2013 Adoption Celebration: Gulliver

…th all of the adoptions at Red Bucket, the first step is to complete an application and then to carefully match that person to a horse. After completing the paper work, Molly was introduced to a few prospective horses along with Gulliver waiting for adoption. As the process of getting to know the horses and their temperaments continued, it became very apparent that Molly and Gulliver were forming a lasting bond. There was an obvious chemistry betw…

February 2017 Team Member Highlight: Alexandra and Felicia Stears

…rses. Hearing about the lives of many of the horses prior to coming to Red Bucket was heartbreaking. I was impressed with how clean the Ranch was and how friendly many of the horses were, in spite of their prior lives. I knew that the hard working team members were a key factor to the horses’ physical and emotional well-being. I wanted to be a part of that; to help horses, and to feel the honor and privilege of being a part of this organization wh…

May 2013 Volunteer Highlight: Emily Stoddart

…hile searching online. When I read their mission statement, I immediately knew this was an organization I wanted to be a part of,” Emily explains. She joined Red Bucket Equine Rescue in September 2012 and has since become entrenched in her volunteer services while also becoming an indispensable member of our team. “When I think of our mission statement, I think of the unconditional love that we provide, and the unconditional love I have for all of…

San Bernardino Sun Article

…the end of the year. But saving horses doesn’t come cheap and rescues like Red Bucket can only operate on donations. Red Bucket held its first “Ruby Red Fundraiser” on Sunday. The goal was to raise enough money to pay off the December balloon payment on the ranch. The event was completely sold out, with people driving from Arizona, Del Mar, Huntington Beach, and Manhattan Beach. The volunteer run program is run by Peirce, a lifelong horsewoman and

December 2013 Volunteer Highlight: Pam Stocksdale

…how the dull look in their eyes becomes something bright and hopeful. I love watching them get all excited to be let out into the arena to run and play, just to be the carefree horses they were born to be. They fascinate me, and I want to learn all I can about them. Red Bucket has restored my faith in humanity, knowing that there are people willing to give up their time and money to help these defenseless animals.” While trying to figure out how…

September 2015 Volunteer Highlight: Lori McLaughlin

…orses own, she is wonderful at setting a warm and welcoming tone.” Kata Conlon, Ruby Red Committee Member, first met Lori last year when she graciously offered to help with the Holiday card mailing. “Lori was so enthusiastic and eager to help share the spirit of Red Bucket,” Kata recalls. “With her lead, we enlisted the Junior Reds to tackle this project; they stuffed envelopes, affixed labels, and got our Holiday cards out to our generous donors…