Red Bucket Equine Rescue #170-Bentley

…getting up…and fear of protecting his bones from the brutality of coming into contact with the ground…even the now well bedded and spotless new stall in our isolation barn that he shares with Saunders. Bentley now has a bucket, a name, dignity and the promise of a second chance. This is a promise that we take very seriously. We will do everything in our power to correct the unspeakable abuse that this horse has endured and survived. As we wipe aw…

Lady Bug Morning Turnout

…share Lady Bug’s recent turn out photo. While her physical scars may not completely heel, Lady Bug has fully embraced her new life with the gusto o…f a college student delighting in a home made meal. Seldom have we seen such an immediate transformation from defended to hopeful. Lady Bug demonstrates the gratitude of the rescued, the vulnerability of the lost, and the hopefulness of the reborn. Her spirit is presenting layer by layer as she sheds h…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue #315-Stella

…r), that we will feed her and devote ourselves to her care, enrichment and happiness…and that her baby, too, will be safe, we promise! Welcome to the ranch that you own, Stella…and welcome to your second chance!…

October 2018 Horse Highlight: Denny

…f him. He’s just so special.” Linda says she is honored to be another member of Denny’s ‘admiration society’ and helping to give him the safe, comfortable and enriched retirement he has worked all his life for, and so richly deserves. If you are someone looking for a remarkable companion or family horse, we have your boy ready and waiting to be loved and adored here at Red Bucket. Story by Johanna Downs…

Baby Micah Update!

…ife. Possibly for the first time, she is fully enjoying motherhood, as her new world is absent abuse, hunger, and the undeniable fear of what might happen to her colt. As for Micah, he is FULL of it…mostly full of himself and full of false bravado as he charges the “girls”, and then darts back to the safety of his mother’s side. His world is safe to explore and experience with a fullness of impish curiosity, with an exclamation point punctuating e…

Cindy Lee RB

…rm and is starting saddle training Spring 2018. Best friends to Tasha. Facebook Welcome: They said that she is a buckskin, she looks like a bay to us…while we aren’t quite sure, as we haven’t done her intake yet… we haven’t even seen her in person. We do know that she has been separated from her mother, and there is no way that that is good news as she is at a livestock auction in another state where all of the animals are sold by the pound. We kn…

July 2016 Horse Highlight: Faith

…e is saying, ‘Hey, I’m over here, please come see me!’ ” Kathy says there was a time when Faith was very depressed and did not want anyone to come see her. Those days are long gone and Kathy says, “I’m so happy she is back to feeling happy, trusting and wanting attention.” Another volunteer, Carol DeMott says, “Faith loves to vocalize and call out to all of us! She is very aware of what is going on and watches our every move. She even responds to…

January 2016 Culture Message

…ear, and others we fit together like pieces of a complicated jigsaw puzzle. The show horse who was no longer competitive, passed down to a family who wanted something “better”, who then became a lesson horse but could not stay sound (even on four grams of Bute a day) and then ended up at an auction where horses are sold by the pound to kill buyers. They all have a story, and while many of the stories differ, the one similarity tends to be one wher…

The High Cost of Horse Sense

…The 15-year-old Palomino was rescued more than a year ago and placed in a new home. But she was returned twice to the people who initially rescued her because her new owners lost their jobs. Susan Peirce runs the Red Bucket Equine Rescue in Huntington Beach. She named it after the color of the plastic feed buckets provided to each horse. “I get calls daily from people who can’t afford their horses,” she says. “Horses that are tied to trees, or le…


…lly set out to help any equine regardless of breed ….or age. Today we welcome two new additions, four month old Cocoa and her mother Fern. While these burro’s are technically wild, they have gentle eyes, curious personalities and a natural innate kindness. They have joined Joey and Lizzie in the donkey paddock and have established a herd of their own…a little family unit. The two little youngsters have become fast friends and have started to play,…