Red Bucket Equine Rescue Forever Home Found #253 – Thurston

…, he arrived at Red Bucket severely neglected and malnourished. We named him Thurston due to his endearing teddy bear qualities, kindness, and affectionate demeanor. Thurston has settled into his new home splendidly, has befriended Sigaf, and is living up to his new “job description” of being loved, spoiled, and groomed. Welcome home Thurston, and congratulations to Carrie, Sigaf, and Thurston!      …

Red Bucket Equine Rescue#152-Cocoa and #153-Fern

…slowly begun to gain their confidence and trust. We will dedicate the next twelve months to training them and preparing them for their new lives, second chances, and forever homes. Welcome Cocoa and Fern!…

It’s Miller’s Time

…flake of hay el fresco. We have delighted in watching Miller clearly become content and happy. He is no longer neglected, lonely or confined. We are thrilled ( and mildly surprised ) that he has also made friends with his neighbor, Steele. Miller loves his new paddock, abundant bedding, daily attention and TLC. He has already had corrective trimming, thanks to Jesse Coker, and been checked out by our vet Dr. Lois Yu. We are actively looking for a…

Finbar and Mr. Rogers

…riend. When Brimer passed, his paddock mate and until then inseparable companion, Styles dropped to his knees and laid his cheek on his treasured friend. We watched a similar act of love, and grief when Styles left us…and left Jack, his friend, to carry a melancholy heaviness that was lifted only in the inception of a new relationship with Brinkley. Certainly, it is the daily tenderness that horses exhibit, their natural empathy…and humor that del…

Horse Highlight May 2014: Winni

…has grown into her own as a teacher, companion and role model to her new best friend and pasture playmate Cinderella. She would be considered in human terms to be a social butterfly, happy to romp and play while still showing her grand manners. Red Bucket can be proud to call Winni a true lady filled with Charm Farm etiquette! She represents what the true spirit of Red Bucket is all about. With great conformation and a lovely disposition, Winni i…

May 2015 Volunteer Highlight: Jessica Macvicar

…g at the right time at Red Bucket. Every now and then there are people who come to Red Bucket to volunteer their services, and they become a part of the Red Bucket mission. And then there are those who join our organization and take us to another level; they LIVE our mission and we become a part of their life. Jessica Macvicar is that rare breed that comes along and truly GETS it. She IS Red Bucket!! “Our volunteers are very special and we have be…

December 2016 Culture Message

…ible. We are deeply committed to being here in the years to come to save…serve…and of course, touch. We know that the horses (and donkeys) are counting on us…desperate and deserving, many of whom do not yet have a name…or a face. Horses like the little mare standing in the mud, alone and untouched. Many warm and sincere thanks to all of you who touch our work, we are here…and we are coming.   This Culture Message is dedicated to each of you who to…

May 2014 Volunteer Highlight: Jason Harper

…alities and special needs. From Fenton the mule to little Munchkin the pony, they are all so unique and teach us such valuable lessons in life. For being such a giant, Jason can be a very gentle soul. He has a way of making any new volunteer feel comfortable, and he offers the same compassionate understanding to the horses.” We are grateful Jason did not give up after that first grueling night at the Ranch! From all of us at Red Bucket, including…

May 2013 Horse Highlight: Nalah

…stall. Hopefully, she could then feel comfortable and safe enough in her familiar surroundings to complete “The Circle of Life.”   Nalah has proven to be a wonderful and protective mother. Though she was once brutalized and degraded, it’s as if she instinctively understands the precious gift she has been given in baby “Winni.” The love and adoration she has been given by the Red Bucket Volunteers has helped her to respond with nurturing kindness t…

Lady Bug

…tall at night….she is beginning to trust us, and her new world. Facebook Welcome: Her large well muscled body bears the obvious signs of abuse…signs that we know too well. She had been stripped from her foal, and judging from the wicked gash spanning the width of her worried brow…, most likely she had been beaten into the trailer that had been designed to transport a pony, not a very large and terrorized horse, shoe horning the mare into a claustr…