June 2014 Horse Highlight: Kolcheck

…werful hindquarters, riding Kolcheck is like sitting on a big comfy sofa that sways back and forth in smooth rhythm like a giant rocking horse. He enjoys playing “catch the ball” with Paidraig in the arena, and running and kicking up his heels and playing with the donkeys, Joey, and Jack. His big lips are often seen reaching over the paddock fence trying to give a kiss to anyone passing by. “He is delightful, loving, and extremely affectionate,” a…

January 2014 Horse Highlight: Turner

…well with everyone…a horse waiting for his forever friend to come along and love, respect and cherish the amazingly understanding equine he has become. One filled with an attitude of gratitude, along with a loving and kind personality ready for his next amazing adventure to begin! Turner truly exemplifies a quote by Brian Tract, “Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward i…

October 2018 Adoption Story: Cupid XO

…ic, people are coming in and out for lessons and bringing their children who absolutely adore him. The little girls come to the stables and go straight to Cupid to groom him and braid his mane and tail…He remembers his showing days so he paws at the ground to get carrots and cookies from them. He’s so loving and everyone knows him! He is the stable favorite. Cupid loves the attention because it allows him to be interactive, so for this special lit…

December 2016 Adoption Celebration: Miss Beasley

…tive families. They come in all shapes, colors and sizes, but they share a common bond of love and commitment that makes the family even stronger and more enduring.   Miss Beasley is the 3rd of 4 generations of donkeys that Red Bucket has rescued. Her mother is Tornado, her grandmother is Windy, her big sisters are Petunia and Millie, and her kid brother is Petey. She is also Auntie to her sister Millie’s baby, Miss Manners, who is the 4th generat…

Banjo’s Friend

…er him, he jumped if we raised our hand. His name is Banjo. We loved him immediately, presented him with a red bucket, and gave him the gift of time. Over the course of the last several months he has blossomed…he has learned that human hands bring red buckets, scratch withers, lovingly groom coats, deliver carrots and cookies, and come with a gentleness that he didn’t know existed. He spends his afternoons in a large turnout with Cash, Turner, Lia…

October 2016 Horse Highlight: Legacy

and presence. He is both a valued and loved part of the Red Bucket community. “Legacy was bred to be a champion,” according to Linda Rose, a leadership team member at Red Bucket. “His beautiful gleaming photo is the first picture you see on Red Bucket’s website.” Team member Anne-Marie Hallman says, “Legacy is by far the most inquired about horse on the Facebook message page…his beauty is captured so well in all of his photographs, and horse lover…

January 2017 Culture Message

…s, plenty of pampering, and an abundance of Miracle Bath. He tested our commitment in every way possible, and I sometimes wondered if he intentionally stained his nearly white coat green…just to see if we would react. He instead found that we groomed him lovingly, and asked nothing of him in return, genuinely cherishing and valuing him…without expectation. I’m pretty sure they call it unconditional love and acceptance, and that is what we showered…

Acteur inspects neatly folded towels!

…Murphy for continuing to serve by doing much needed laundry and donating applesauce (which helps the horses‘ medicine “go down”)! Since paper towels are difficult to come by, clean laundry and donated towels are greatly needed and sincerely appreciated! Mr. Rogers did his research and would like to share a few helpful laundry tips from the CDC: – Wear disposable gloves; – Do not shake dirty laundry; – Wash items in the warmest appropriate water s…

Guinness Part 2

…r him to finally arrive! He calmly surveyed his new surroundings and explored his meticulously prepared stall….he took a few deep breaths, licked his lips, and seemed to realize that our promise was real. Laura’s husband called her to see when she was coming home, and she told him not to expect her for quite a long time. While we are not sure what Guinness thought of his new tack and other purchased items that were just for him, we are pretty sure…