Red Bucket Equine Rescue #174 and Forever Home Found #78

…d bars), one of the other horses found with her had to be euthanized immediately. She was atypical in that even in her starved and weakened condition, she was ready to fight, kick, and do anything to prevent additional harm from coming to her. Once her weight returned to normal, it was clear that the damage was deep, and normal placement was not an option. She was scheduled to be humanely euthanized, but the officer who had managed her case (a won…

Denny Update Part 1

…his down turned eye we glimpsed a broken heart. Our team embraced Denny immediately and he was introduced to his enrichment plan and he soon made friends with Acteur, Clyde, and Scion. He grazed and socialized during the day and enjoyed a bedded stall, fragrant hay, and extra TLC and treats by night. With the rhythm of happy days and the assurance of safety and love, Denny’s flower slowly opened and his magnanimous personality, sweet tooth, and r…

August 2013 Culture Message

…pple than usual, and being the sensitive guy that he is, he was more immediately responsive than a normal hack. We executed his canter departures flawlessly, and my fingers naturally rubbed the side of his neck, silently praising him for being such a good boy.   When we were asked to come in and line up, he stood like a statue (or in retrospect, knowing Paidraig, a trophy). I think that he was actually posing. I gently scratched his withers, again…

Good-bye, dear Tilley

…t number of people. As is our custom, Tilley will be toasted and celebrated at her stall; details will follow. Thank you to the wonderfully compassionate Dr. Brigid Murphy and the selfless Red Bucket Team….

San Bernardino Sun Article

…the end of the year. But saving horses doesn’t come cheap and rescues like Red Bucket can only operate on donations. Red Bucket held its first “Ruby Red Fundraiser” on Sunday. The goal was to raise enough money to pay off the December balloon payment on the ranch. The event was completely sold out, with people driving from Arizona, Del Mar, Huntington Beach, and Manhattan Beach. The volunteer run program is run by Peirce, a lifelong horsewoman and

June 2013 Culture Message

for sharing our story. If anyone has any contacts, I would be most appreciative of any introductions. Thank you for all of your compassion and support in helping us make the world a better place for horses. Thank you to all who contribute to making our horses’ world a better place….

October 2015 Horse Highlight: Keely

…ange as she was nurtured along with love. “Keely has come a long way,” says Michelle. “Her attitude has become one of trust and security…she has gained tremendous confidence!” Michelle was one of the first volunteers to spend timeless hours with Keely. She gained confidence and trust in those first few days. “She is curious about everybody now,” says Michelle. “Keely is no longer the untrusting or anxious foal we rescued just a few short weeks ago…

November 2014 Adoption Highlight: Wyatt

…r as Molly’s horse. She kept going back to the website and commenting that Wyatt still didn’t have a home. When asked Red Bucket about adopting another horse, they immediately mentioned Wyatt. We didn’t know at the time that Wyatt and Gulliver were stall mates while at Red Bucket. That made our decision that much easier. The first day bringing Wyatt home, he and Gulliver were out in the arena together like old times. It was like it was meant to be…

May 2013 Adoption Celebration: Merriweather, Tinker Bell, Dustin & Goliath (aka Harley)

…f Harley, Dustin, Merriweather and Tinker Bell in need, she immediately reached out and offered them sanctuary at her ranch. They’d be a welcome addition to the two minis she already had, not to mention the twelve horses and numerous dogs thriving under her love and care. Within a few months, the adoption of the Fortunate Four, Harley, Dustin, Tinker Bell and Merriweather, was complete.   Today, six months later, the four minis, once starved of fo…

June 2015 Volunteer Highlight: Donna and Linda

…always willing to go the extra mile; they have compassion for our horses and they completely understand our mission. Linda has a background with horses, Donna a background with rescue groups and they complement each other perfectly! They came to the Ranch together and they work well together; their friendship sealed the deal for their volunteer work.” Donna explains the metamorphosis that occurs to her at the Ranch. “I’m just transported into anot…