September 2016 Horse Highlight: Charlie

…y Red Gala. “Charlie” is the Red Bucket 2017 featured equine! His comeback story is one full of love and hope. “Charlie is the perfect ‘poster boy’ for the beautiful life-saving work we do here at Red Bucket!” exclaims volunteer Linda Rose. “He had been completely betrayed by the very people who were responsible for keeping him safe,” she continues. “Thankfully, we saved him just in time…and after months of love, good nutrition and a bit of ‘Red B…

Sometimes it is the little things

…ter. They were terrified, distrusting, highly defensive, and completely untouchable. Today, thanks to Red Bucket, Kimberly, Lauren, and our committed team of dedicated volunteers who keep getting up every morning to serve our mission of serving horses, both of the fillies are flourishing. They are halter trained, stand nicely while being groomed, politely offer their hooves to be picked, and they enjoy the feeling of being touched, groomed, and ca…

March 2015 Volunteer Highlight: Susan Vanden Bos

…ued to board with them even when they moved to Chino Hills. I knew this was the best place for Buckshot, and I’ve been making the commute from Huntington Beach for 2 years.” As a client looking from the outside in, Susan V. quickly realized that Red Bucket was an efficiently managed and effective organization that created drastic improvements in equine behavior and health. It became clear that her destiny would lead her to volunteer with them. “I…

Kiki can’t stop smiling!

…In between rain storms she and her very own new forever BFF, Paisley, went for a walk…in the clouds! We can’t tell who is pinching themselves more. We sure are grateful for happily ever afters! Thank you to all who made this dream come true!…


…oximately 2008. This is an incredibly special horse that has gallantly overcome the most horrendous abuse and developed an uncanny intuitiveness and empathy. She acts as “nanny” to our youngsters and is the self-appointed caretaker to our new horses who are recovering from abuse. Once used as a bait horse for dog fights, Sawyer has done more than survive…she is helping others to survive, and to thrive. She is current nanny to Cover Girl, and the v…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue # 175- Cindy Lee

…e may all sleep a wee bit better because we don’t), she has been pulled into an embrace that she can’t yet feel but is very real and comes with a promise that is gifted to her by strangers who will not let her down. Thanks to a new “momma” who with great compassion and loving generosity directed us to save little Cindy Lee, and 7 other slaughter bound horses, Cindy Lee gets a second chance. Deepest of thanks to “Momma” Cindy Lee and The Wags And M…

March 2015 Horse Highlight: Noah

…ping their iced tea or lemonade! Noah would also make a good companion to a younger horse. “Owning an older horse as a companion can be a great influence on a young horse. Horses are social creatures and need the interaction to maintain their overall health and well-being. Not only are you offering a younger or working horse stability by getting it a geriatric companion, but you are changing the life of that one older horse,” states Shona. “So man…

November 2013 Volunteer Highlight: Bob Cronin

…how our volunteers come in all shapes and sizes, from all corners of the world. He is a perfect example of how a person is touched by our horses, and how that person touches our horses in turn. He is loving and selfless, always wanting to be more involved. He is a horseman through and through, and although he may not physically be up to the arduous tasks at the Ranch, he gives his heart and soul in a way that nurtures our horses like none other….

Red Bucket Equine Rescue #177- Tasha

…rest of her life…and she will have one. Today Tasha, her mother Mercy, our little loan filly Cindy Lee (who wont be lonely ever again) and one other mare and tiny foal will be safely moved to Quarantine where they will have a transition to a new life…WANTED. Our deepest and heartfelt gratitude to The Wags and Menace Make A Difference Foundation, the extraordinary generosity of the Durham family, and all of you who open your hearts and wallets to…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue Forever Home Found #133 Pilot

…whinny, and perhaps the most wonderfully soft cuddly cream center…complete with a newly recharged and fully functioning heart. Pilot’s heart, his whinny, and his delightfully delirious dreams and expectations orbit around his very own new family! Soon he will leave our ranch to join the wanted……Abby, John, and Jewel. While we will say our good-bye’s, Pilot will surely only hear “welcome home” and the other affirmations of love and feel the profou…