January 2014 Culture Message – Happy 5th Anniversary!

…xtend the ethereal welcome mat to a horse that we have not yet met, but commit to with a tireless dedication because now we know.   The sounds of nighttime are different from my childhood. My window is always cracked and the voices that drift to me are the soft nickers of contentment, the calling to a new resident that I can only project is one of welcome and reassurance. Perhaps the most opinionated of all is the bellowing of the donkeys, most po…

Penelope’s Kisses

…Little Penelope has gone from frightened to curious, from hungry to fed, from shrinking….to kissing! She is learning to play without fear and run for the joy of it…not because she is scared. Her days are now brimming with new experiences, new friends, and the promise of a new family and a happily ever after. Welcome to your new life, Penelope!…

September 2015 Culture Message

…a lifetime of love. Unlike so many of the horses who come to us for help, he knew what a cookie was, had personal expectations about grooming standards, and seemed to understand that his time with us would be brief. He did not need to be here and was delightfully bold in getting his needs met. He also (not a bit by accident) met Nicole. He was right off of the list of the mutual perfect match…from the trail riding/dressage preference to the outwar…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue Forever Home Found # 71- Crumpet

…k without the telltale signs of agony with every step. Crumpet had a mild case of founder, while Prudence nearly lost her life. Their new family has been very patient, waiting to take them home. Today is a new day….and Crumpet has a new family, loving friends, and a new beginning. Shortly a healthy Prudence will be joining Crumpet and the family will be complete. Congratulations Crumpet, welcome home!…

January 2016 Adoption Celebration: Josie

And she’s made even more new friends at her barn: her new Aunt Deborah who feeds her carrots and anything else she wants, and then there’s Uncle Tim and Aunt Lorna, who check in on her daily and spoil her with treats and kisses. Says Cassandra: “She’s a very lovable horse but certainly picks her people (and canines).” For Susan Peirce, a wildly successful adoption like Josie’s is her payday. It reminds her and all the dedicated team at Red Bucket…


…ike so many of the abused and rescued, he demonstrates gratitude daily. Facebook Welcome: He just wants to be groomed and scratched. Already he has figured out the red bucket (and both the nourishment and nurturing that it represents)…….he politely whinnies when we walk by him, seems to be very relieved to be with us, a bit surprised and very grateful. He has European manners, the conformation of an athlete, and the kindness of a benevolent gentle…

September 2016 Team Member Highlight: Asia Arellano

…roject,” Asia explains. “When I found out about Red Bucket, I knew this was the perfect place for me to complete my project. “The Ranch the Horses Own” was kept so organized and well-run, thanks to the friendly and welcoming volunteers, which made Red Bucket stand out compared to the other rescues.”   Cathy Hessman can’t say enough about Asia: “She came to Red Bucket to complete a high school project, and I was her mentor. Her work ethic is AMAZIN…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue #79 and #80- Thunder Pants and Bruce

…uch, and the intimacy of both human and equine relationship. In the celebration of a forever home, there is an often unavoidable loss that is suffered by the stable mate or neighbor that is left behind. When Louise learned that her new little adoptee, Thunder Pants had his very own BFF, a special little donkey named Bruce, she delighted us (and them) in adopting Bruce as well. Sunday afternoon with their new family and friends along for the ride,…

December 2016 Team Member Highlight: Michael Ferrante

…f labor charges, and quite often we include free materials when possible,” Michael continues. “Our mission is to support Red Bucket in whatever way we can. We dedicate funds from the profits of our business as a donation to Red Bucket on a regular basis. This is why we love the Ruby Red event.”   The entire family shares Michael’s passion for Red Bucket horses. “My wife Arlene helps with special events and charitable donations,” Michael informs me…

June 2013 Volunteer Highlight: Susanna Woeste

…ng she would come back. She did, and has become in so many ways ‘My Rock’.”   Jenon elaborates on how valuable Susanna has become to the organization. “On weekends when I am leading the volunteers and she is there, I always know that she is capable of whatever task needs attention. She is 100% present and always willing, and is so generous with her support and donations. She often delivers much needed applesauce, fly spray, salt rocks and other it…