Red Bucket Equine Rescue # 256 and #257- Juble and Blossom

When our good buddy Parker developed ulcers, and all of the tricks, including diet changes, added enrichment, and Ranitidine failed to work, Lauren came up with the Red-donk-u-lous idea of getting Parker his very own donkey! We went to our waiting list in an effort to find just the right gelding for the job, and low and behold….we found the perfect, slightly used, irresistible donkey…with spots in all the right places! The only issue was, that Juble came with his very own baggage…or, perhaps we should say…his very own donkey named Blossom. To say the least, we are still scratching our heads and chuckling about our two newest residents. Aside from the flurry of the Rubik’s Cube of who goes where, and the intense and albeit nosy supervision of Finbar and his donkey, Mr. Rogers, we are all delighted to be able to relocate 2 equine from our waiting list to stalls on a ranch that they now own. Welcome Juble and Blossom, we doubt that any of our residents (or volunteers) will be bored anytime soon!