May 2013 Culture Message

…on him down to the trot. He wasn’t the least bit rude about it, but communicated clearly that he knew the rules and intended to play by them. Grande definitely didn’t want to be babied, unless it was with a bedtime kiss.   It is hard to decipher whether his bold trot and big canter and overall happiness to work were more the result of the change in his routine, the healthy weight, nutritious diet or something else. I am pretty sure that while all…


…lued, safe and regarded. Our eyes will not be closed. Welcome Durham. Facebook Update: We hate to over use a phrase, but haven’t found a replacement that has the same emotional…or spiritual impact. It takes a Village. As we so often do, we pause to reflect, be thankful and acknowledge that we cannot do this deeply meaningfu…l work alone. Thanks to the generosity…and compassion of Cindy A. Lee and the Wags and Menace Make a Difference Foundation th…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue- 100th Forever Home Found!

…eam! While in the back corners of the cross ties, we high five the new beginning and second chance that we have been able to give to Liam, at the end of this rainbow it is Dalilah’s life that will forever be impacted and her childhood redefined by a charming little Quarter Horse who watches her every step….and carefully watches his own when ever his girl is on board. Congratulations to Liam And Dalilah, and congratulations to the entire Red Bucket…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue Forever Home Found #170 – Dixon

…ring any baggage. He left the past in the past and embraced his new life completely. He was completely remarkable….and we knew a few things about his past…he had every right to have a grudge or two. Instead, he captivated us with his gentle benevolence, his softness, his forgiveness. He walked softly, initiated friendships (umm…except with Ranger), eagerly demonstrated a desire to learn…to please…to love. He also let us know that it was his time,…


…pport our culture of continuous learning, serve as enrichment for our volunteers, and increase the competence and confidence of our team members. Fireside Chats — Available to all volunteers. Provides enrichment, team building, sense of community, communication and education. Stable Service Day — Organized service day to facilitate and complete ranch projects, ranch maintenance, and special projects. The day ends by celebrating our accomplishments…

Cover Girl

…o could not…would not turn her back. Neither will we. We welcome Cover Girl, and declare our commitment to her, and other unwanted horses that face the potential horrific and degrading fate in a foreign slaughter yard. Cover Girl will have the opportunity to be trained, and groomed…not only her coat, which still has the soft and fuzzy texture of a youngster, but groomed into a reliable and trusted mount, and one day adopted into a home that will c…

Scarlett’s Story

…d, or her heroics in willing herself not to drop her foal until she knew that it would be safe. Although she would not allow us to ever touch her, she did not overtly interfere with our handling of Cupid, administering his medication, or checking his legs. Perhaps a less wise mother would have created a fuss…a fuss that would have frightened a baby, who already had endured so much stress, even before he was born. She showed herself to be brave, st…

Roxy Update

…that was discarded and devalued. We have declared 2017 to be Roxy’s year, and oh my does she agree! Healthy, trained, and ready for what comes next…a family, a best friend, a new beginning…forever!…

Behren Update

…accompanies “Winning”. The jump starting (and the greed that accompanied it) was of course, his downfall. He bowed both front tendons, and with the suddenness of an unexpected tornado, went from hopeful… to hopeless. We were lucky to have rescued him, within moments of him walking onto the trailer that would transport him to a horrific and unspeakable demise. We named him Behren…dubbed him our Baby Bear, and devoted ourselves to his rehabilitation…

February 2014 Horse Highlight: Knox

…, and Dr. Suess has joined the happy line-up. As a compatible grouping, they go out together for enrichment play and freedom to run around like, yes, “knuckleheads!” Horses are herd animals, and this kind of play is great for their mental attitude making them feel as if they are in a more natural environment. Even though Knox enjoys his playtime, he is a great riding horse and has a western persona as a “dude.” He is a solid citizen on the trail a…