Red Bucket Equine Rescue Forever Home Found #64- Scout

…he arena…a gentleman on trail, and ground manners that might compel Emily Post to add a chapter to her book. We suppose, that Scout singlehandedly could change the definition of “unwanted” or “rescue”. Now he has his very own family who will cherish him and make him feel wanted every day. While none of the Red Riding Hoods had dry eyes…and Scouts new family certainly didn’t have dry eyes….but Scout’s eyes were bright and sparkled as he stepped off…

Julie and Nikki’s happily ever after!

…in our throats and joy in our hearts, we are thrilled to announce that Nikki has found her forever home! Julie Shields, one of our very own ‘ red riding hoods ‘ has made it official! Julie will be keeping Nikki at the HCPEC. Nikki’s new role in life will be buddy and family pet. Julie is looking forward to providing for all of Nikki’s needs, and is currently improving Nikki’s stall and weather proofing it for the winter. Everyone at Red Bucket wis…

January 2014 Adoption Celebration: Marigold

…ty, they called Red Bucket Equine Rescue because they were able to see a companion in Marigold. It’s this selective vulnerability that Marigold is able to show which ultimately led to her forever home.   When horses arrive at Red Bucket, some are able to acclimate to the new environment better than others. With the help of hard working and dedicated volunteers, their personalities emerge and are evaluated so they can have a better chance at findin…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue #166- Kolcheck

…trailer might be scratched. We were left with a beautiful and spectacular 10 year old gelding who has the promise of a second chance, and one day a new adopter who will deeply care about him, and take measures to make sure that he is never discounted again. It is our pleasure to welcome Kolcheck….

A Face that melts your heart – Mozart

…er and the most unimaginable cruelty. Today, with a warm sunshine on his newly groomed coat (with lots of product) he stands in his roomy and well bedded paddock, munching on sweet orchard hay, flirting with the Red Riding hoods….and keeping his delightfully mis matched eyes on his neighbor (and new girl friend) Bunny, who seems mildly indifferent to his attentive stares…and the ridiculous show that he puts on for her demonstrating his maneuvers o…

Callum Update:

Many thanks for all of your thoughtful and compassionate comments and well wishes about our newest resident, Callum. Perhaps the most difficult (and recurring) question that you asked is, “Why, oh why did Callum have relatively new shoes on, when his broken knee injury is most likely at least 6 months old…and completely untreated?” The answer…and we swallow twice before responding…is that they were still trying to ride him. His body tells the tal…

December 2014 Culture Message

…bucket…or the consistency and quiet commitment that slowly becomes their new normal. These deserving horses do not know what we know…that they have just been given the gift of their life, and a promise of both dignity and a future. There has been a growing trend for rescues to euthanize for space…or convenience. Some of these programs build their efforts around euthanizing the imperfect, and even boast about their inflated euthanasia rates. It is…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue #142-Cover Girl

…nd who could not…would not turn her back. Neither will we. We welcome Cover Girl, and declare our commitment to her, and other unwanted horses that face the potential horrific and degrading fate in a foreign slaughter yard. Cover Girl will have the opportunity to be trained, and groomed….not only her coat, which still has the soft and fuzzy texture of a youngster, but groomed into a reliable and trusted mount, and one day adopted into a home that…

21 Additional Horses Saved:

…being moved to their new homes. Suffice it to say that this recent unplanned activity has been enormously encompassing of resources. We seldom use FaceBook to fundraise, as our popular page was designed to connect you our friends with our horses and their stories. Given the intense swirl of our recent rescue activity amounting to a total of 53 saved lives we sure do need your help. Would you please share this post, encourage your friends to suppor…

Winni Update…Week Two

…d hysterically adorable. She definitely thinks that she is a big girl now, and loves to plunge into Nalah’s bucket of Mare & Foal. She continues to practice eating hay beside her mum…only this week she is sporting brand new baby teeth…which she loves to proudly show off by sticking her perfect little lip up to give us a peek! Clearly we adore her and are over the moon that she is safe…and will have a wonderful future. There will certainly be more…