Lindsey’s Vacation

…The surprise that continues to fuel our work is the knowledge that a new generation is being raised to care deeply about our environment, animal welfare, and contributing to making the world a better place. We salute Lindsey’s family…and her wonderful Grandma… for teaching and modeling compassion to those hands and heart that will one day take over our meaningful work. Our horses too, continue to fill our spirit and hearts, as they bow down so ten…

The Donkeys are in Charge

…t department…and report any infraction with a cacophony of scolding bellows…Heaven help us when daylight savings time changes and the feed time shifts. On this occasion, they marched over to the gate to welcome…and inspect little newcomer Tula.Tula, who while tiny, has a few well formed opinions of her own and made it perfectly clear that she preferred to wait for her new adopter from a deeply bedded mare motel, confirming what we have suspected a…

December 2014 Horse Highlight: Frankie

…Red Bucket horse heard of Frankie’s plight and connected Frankie’s new hero with Red Bucket. In keeping with the phrase, it’s a small world, one of Red Bucket’s team members actually used to ride Frankie herself and knew him personally! Frankie is a 20-year-old beautiful chestnut mustang gelding with a big white blaze on his adorable face. He is ready to be doted on and loved, and is waiting for just the right person to come along! He is willing a…

Good-bye to Pearl

…ng so deeply is the raw and ragged pain that accompanies losing a beloved family member, we are heartbroken by Betty’s loss. We send our heartfelt condolences to wonderful Betty who loved Pearl beyond measure. We are mourning her and will formally say good-bye to Pearl, and to our own Lacey who never had the gift of a forever home, as Pearl did on Saturday January 10th at 5:00 pm. All of Pearl and Lacey’s friends are welcome to link arms with us a…

Cooper’s Herd

…se it appears to be true for grays, although the Warmblood/Quarter Horse component does not appear to be an issue! In our dedication to continue to enrich the lives of our Treasured Residents, we persist in building herds that allow for and foster the mind, body and spirit…and…the horses’ innate requirement for socialization and grazing. Our team celebrated when Cooper (who previously had repeatedly declined herd enrichment) happily joined our “Ba…

Pixie Update

…small jumps. Pixie responded to the new job in “true Pixie style” with an eagerness to learn…and zero drama. We might add that she is a true natural and just darling over the fences! In an effort to be complete in reporting on Pixie’s progress, we should also comment on her exemplary ground manners, deep love of anything sweet, and her favorite pastime of turn outs with her BFF (and fellow paint) Marigold….

Spring has arrived…

Spring has arrived…and so have our new girls! They have collectively shaken off the distress of their recent ordeal, taken a deep breath, and delighted in a few good long rolls in our back pasture, shedding both the remnants of fear and the trepidation of uncertainty. They are, from left to right: Tilly, with a nod of profound gratitude to John and Karen for their continued generosity and support. Tilly is the leader of the three, the most assert…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue# 176- Timmy

…replace the protruding ribs, Susanna developed a bounce in her step, a lilt to her voice, and even was rumored to sing softly under her breath. She spent months grooming him, touching him, and assuring him that she was real and that his new life held love, security and private moments of love songs just for him. As Timmy regained his life, Susanna redefined hers. Red Bucket celebrates love, second chances, and kept promises. We wish Susanna and h…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue # 146- Grande

…is enjoying his enrichment time in a sunny paddock with Jack and a new buddy that we will introduce later this week. This afternoon, he will have some much needed spa time complete with clippers and product! We welcome Grande, and are grateful to love him for the time being, and help facilitate his happily ever after!…