Baby Watch 2014

…e first moments of our their little lives. Our preparations are not what new “parents” dream of, our cameras are set to protect rather than capture, our moments are tense rather than anticipatory, and we hope for just a little more time…rather than hope for the impending arrival today. We have had a few good weeks to get some nutrition on board, to establish a new routine of consistency, meals that can be counted on, and a peacefulness that previo…

January 2014 Volunteer Highlight: Kata Conlon

…njoy being around such a compassionate and committed group of volunteers who put egos aside to do whatever needs to be done to help the horses. I recently adopted Dexter’s Red Rufus, aka ‘the most adorable puppy in the world’, during our Ruby Red Fundraiser. I have indeed made Red Bucket a part of my family!” We miss seeing Kata as often at the Ranch, yet we appreciate all of the work she does behind the scenes. It is because of dedicated and dyna…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue Forever Home #164 Found- Maestro

…were wrapped first in over-sized pillow wraps, and then topped with brand new bandages. He was loaded onto a spanking new trailer purchased just for him…specially built to accommodate his over-sized body…and then to protect his eyes on the short journey home, he sported a giant plaid fly mask selected just for him. His new family fussed for a bit, ensuring that he was ready. His ridiculous “fro-lock” was fluffed, his coat groomed, and to maximize…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue Forever Home Found #74- Rosie

Her new mom Linda was so excited to take her home (complete with a brand new fly mask) that we didn’t even get the chance for an adoption photo op! Before we could say “cheese”, Rosie was decked out in shipping boots, given lots of affirming pats, a few smooches…and loaded up ready to start her new life and second chance. Linda came to us looking for a solid little trail horse, she spent plenty of time bonding with Rosie, grooming her and taking…

Denny Update Part 2

…ny, Jenny, and her parents are eagerly awaiting Denny’s home coming this week. Jenny has purchased a new leather halter with a shiny new brass name plate, new wraps, and Denny’s favorite gourmet cookies for the long plane ride home….

Millie and Miss Manners Update

…anners have adjusted beautifully to their new adoptive forever home. Their new “mom” is devoted to their happiness and reports that she “loves them immensely”. We chuckled when it was reported that while the flies seem to love sweet Millie…they stay away from Miss Manners, who is perhaps a bit too “spicy”. Miss Manners, who was definitely our little Firecracker, has found love, acceptance, and the understanding of her adorable “red-donk-ulous” nat…

The Joy of Companionship

…ely to his new residence at Red Bucket, but he is also making friends of the equine variety. With a few dietary supplements, a bit of added pain relief, and some well-intentioned (and definitely wanted and appreciated) TLC, Olaf The Giant is relishing his new life, neighbors, and yes….he even finds the donkeys to be amusing and of interest. New turnout buddies and budding BFF’s, Olaf and Maestro are learning to enjoy the little extra special thing…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue- Forever Home Found #101

…ly, with the exception of a bit of showmanship as he did a victory lap around the pasture demonstrating how fast he could run….and how beautiful his mane looked flowing in the wind, all while his new family gripped the rails of the fence…watching their newest family member kick up his heels in pure joy! Congratulations to the entire family, and congratulations to Dr. Seuss…..or should we say Dr. Elwell…..?…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue #163 -Meet our precious Winni

…rovide for this tender new foal. While we elected not to continue forward the Lion King theme, oddly it is Nalah who chose to honor the theme of completing the circle of life on March 5, 2013. Welcome little Winni, you are a wanted horse….

Forever Home Update: Guinness

…ualid nearly empty barrel of green “liquid” to drink…he was unwanted and seemingly insignificant. Today, he is glorious…trained, responsive, and very willing. Guinness has the biggest heart, and his new mom Laura treasures him. Today, Guinness is adopted, cherished, and yes…….significant. His new mom carefully protects his four perfectly flawless legs before riding him…he is wanted and he is home….