Red Bucket Equine Rescue #122 – Elliot

…n that emotion towards something that we can do…love, serve, protect…and save. With her arms draped protectively around our new little donkey Elliot, Kimberly spontaneously turned and said ” I love our job “. Welcome Elliot….

March 2014 Culture Message

…r. They were terrified, distrusting, highly defensive, and completely untouchable. Today, thanks to Red Bucket, Kimberly, Lauren, and our committed team of dedicated volunteers who keep getting up every morning to serve our mission of serving horses, both of the fillies are flourishing. They are halter trained, stand nicely while being groomed, politely offer their hooves to be picked, and they enjoy the feeling of being touched, groomed, and care…

April 2017 Horse Highlight: Chance and Mr. Fields

…egard for their level of comfort, the beautiful boys were being ridden in their weakened and compromised state.” Over the next several weeks, as they gained weight and began to enjoy their new life, their personalities began to emerge. Jenon says, “They soon were introduced to some friends in a herd environment. At first they were inseparable and very protective of each other, not wanting to mingle with the others and only wanting to stay together…

An Innocent Gesture

…r gently curled fingers, her muzzle slowly became more inquisitive and searching. As her new friends fingers became outstretched, soon Angelica’s forehead (which had been untouchable) was gently caressed and tenderly rubbed. While words carry clarity of the spoken language, Angelica’s softened eyelids and gentle leaning into the human touch carried a far greater impact. Little Micah, as is understanding far more than an 11 day old little foal shou…

Cronin in her “big girl stall”

…ure; frolicking, grazing, and just being foals. They explore their new world, socialize with adjoining horses, and nap in the warmth of the sun. In the evening they come in to the security and safety of their large, cozy and well-bedded stall. On this adorable occasion, little Keely was gobbling up her Mares Match, while her very best friend (in the whole wide world) pooped out mid-bite, falling asleep in the middle of her dinner! We figure the pi…

July 2013 Culture Message

…ke the babies.”   We named our new gelding Bentley. He didn’t lie down for close to a week. Our vet was pretty sure that in those first few days Bentley knew that he wouldn’t be able to get up again. It was apparent that he was also trying to protect himself from the pain of his hip bone piercing through his paper thin hide. When he finally did lie down, and then later climbed to his feet reclaiming his life, we were awash with emotion. In his fir…

Joey and Buffy

…the only equine on the ranch to sport more “write-ups” for conduct unbecoming a Red bucket horse is Joey himself. Joey has taken his new role of life coach, mentor and big brother very seriously. While he spends a good deal of time “bossing” Buffy around and keeping her out of donkey trouble, he also carefully guards her little self as she naps in the afternoon sun. We all get to be loved, and sometimes the healing comes from loving and caring for

The Irresistible Adventures Of Mr. Rogers:

……as there simply are no words. There are also smaller moments that are comprised of a cumulation of consistency, tenderness, and time. These almost invisible moments build on one another creating a new life in place of a vacant shadow. In the metamorphosing of an equine that begins to thrive rather than survive, they actually begin to look forward to morning and experiences pleasure; we stop to celebrate…and sometimes, laugh. Mr. Rogers might stil…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue # 261- Wallace

…erent, he anticipates our visits, and slowly seems to be softening…and exhaling. We are taking our time assessing him, and his “hip number” is still stuck on just a little too tightly to be comfortably removed. There is still quite a bit that we do not know, but now when someone asks, “Where is Wallace?” we can now reply that we know exactly where he is……and that he is safe! Welcome to Red Bucket, Wallace!…

Ruby Red Fundraiser

…@Home event! Our most popular items include…unique equestrian-themed items, fine dining gift cards, sports memorabilia, at-home experiences & gifts, wine, spirits and much more! Follow Us on Social Media Together we can be the Voice for the Voiceless! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram – Please like, comment, and share! For sponsorship opportunities and more information, please email us at! Stay Tuned for More Details!…