Spring has arrived…

…John and Karen for their continued generosity and support. Tilly is the leader of the three, the most assertive, and clearly carrying the responsibility of establishing herself as the protector; Molly, the pleaser and nurturer, is outwardly and actively seeking approval and acceptance; and Miss Kitty, who reminds us of another by the same name. Miss Kitty is elegant. We believe that she had been a show horse in another life. She carries dignity a…

Understanding Relationships

…offer him a bit of a cookie or a sweet goodie. Joey has become a leader of sorts for his other family members and paddock mates, bravely marching right up demonstrating that people are good…and even bring pleasure. His mother Lizzie, has learned from his leadership, and enjoys being groomed, wearing a halter, and is acclimating to being a domestic pet. Our donkeys are thriving, and when Lauren is through with her ride list of 8, she has been devot…


…Description: Derby is a darling bay 16 hand thoroughbred mare with loads of personality. With an approximate foal date of 2007, Derby has an abundance of confidence and assumes a leader role with other horses. Derby is awaiting her second chance as a pasture horse….

Baby McGarrah Update!

…, Darla, McGarrah or “Mini Mac” is your typical eldest child, she is a leader…confidant, a bit bold, and most definitely sassy. She is also sweet, a pleaser, and very quick to figure things out. She leads, loves to be groomed, and has trained us in how to scratch her multiple little fuzzy places! As her baby coat begins to shed out (helped in great part by hours of Red Riding Hoods who happily comply with repeated and bossy baby demands) McGarrah…

October 2018 Horse Highlight: Denny

…f him. He’s just so special.” Linda says she is honored to be another member of Denny’s ‘admiration society’ and helping to give him the safe, comfortable and enriched retirement he has worked all his life for, and so richly deserves. If you are someone looking for a remarkable companion or family horse, we have your boy ready and waiting to be loved and adored here at Red Bucket. Story by Johanna Downs…

November 2015 Volunteer Highlight: Linda Rose

…utmost honesty. Her attention to detail, proofreading and editing all our collateral materials is priceless. Our newsletter wouldn’t be the same without her! Red Bucket is extremely lucky to have such a dedicated, loving and talented volunteer.” As Linda continues to accept additional responsibilities within our organization and grow with our team, she explains why she is dedicated to our cause. “What really sets Red Bucket apart from other volunt…

Forever Home #43 – Piper

…iated to run through the auction, they were within hours of the kill truck coming to haul them to slaughter. We named her Piper. While she had been handled very little, she blossomed elegantly, showing herself to be intelligent, gentle, and a leader among the other horses. It is with a lump in our throats….and joy in our hearts, that we delight in announcing that Piper has found her second chance with the Jarek family. Piper was reported to have s…

Help us continue lifesaving work

…cket. Little Keely, once so close to death has emerged as the leader and is reassuring our two newest babies that their is safety and kindness in the world. Our four fabulous fillies represent our life saving work, and our commitment to serve the most desperate horses. Three days ago, we rescued a VERY Pregnant and terrified slaughter bound mare (barely more than a filly herself) she is due within the next month, and she like her baby will receive…

Red Bucket Equine Rescue Forever Homes Found #90 and #91- Elliot and Riot

…tality have been replaced with softness, trust, compassion…and love. Like a tight bud slowly opening, Elliot and Riot have emerged and claimed their lives…owning their delightful donkey personalities. Elliot, the leader and patriarch of all of our donkey residents is a self-proclaimed “Maffasa”, seems to consider himself to be equivalent to the Lion King…only donkey style. Heaven help us if we are a second behind feeding time…he heads up the “Ranc…

May 2015 Volunteer Highlight: Jessica Macvicar

…ne compassion; she helps by offering the horses her affection, care, patience, time, and understanding, and she offers the team her dedication, friendship, reliability, and support. The residual return came as a surprise to her. In Jessica’s words: “The Red Bucket culture is most rewarding. The reward, for me, is the feeling that I have found somewhere I belong, that I have a purpose, that I am valuable, the joy of finally reconnecting with horses…